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#CoronavirusMakers Tecno IES SORTS DE LA MAR Dénia

VISERES PROTECTORES PER AL PERSONAL SANITARI DE LA COMARCA PROTECTIVE VISORS FOR HEALTH WORKERS IN THE REGION El departament de tecnologia de l'IES Sorts de la Mar de Dénia col-labora amb la iniciativa #CoronavirusMakers per fabricar viseres protectores per al personal sanitari de la comarca. Les viseres es fabriquen amb una de les impressores 3D per al suplrt i la plastificadora del centre per a les làmines. Iniciativa #STEM útil per aportar el nostre granet d'arena en aquesta complicada situació    The technology department of the IES Sorts de la Mar in Dénia collaborates with the #CoronavirusMakers initiative to make protective visors for the health staff of the region. The visors are made from one of the 3D printers for the suplrt and the plasticizer from the center for the sheets. Initiative #STEM useful to make our contribution in this difficult situation